Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Say a little prayer... Cross your fingers!

THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!!

I MADE IT! I GOT IN! Out of the number of students auditioning for the Bachelors of Fine Arts degree I got IN!!! I AM FLIPPING OUT WITH JOY!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Mom & Dad for having me! All who helped make me ready, to all my siblings who gave me those great chips on my shoulders, welts on my arms, (especially from alison's pinces) THANK YOU ALI, THANK YOU BONNIE, THANK YOU DONNA, THANK YOU JUSTIN, THANK YOU DAN, THANK YOU MATT! THANK YOU ALL!!! I'm one step closer to becoming what I've always wanted to be! Mom & Dad, thank you, Thank you so so so much.

Love to ALL that have encouraged me

Ellesse is trying out for a new program at her school. Plans are for her to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in the Theatre Arts, but they have just opened a Bachelor of Fine Arts and she is hoping to get accepted into that program. There are only a couple more classes she will need to accomplish which will take her one more semester to accomplish, so she'll be all done come this next spring and graduate!

She is underway with practices for the performance she is in the end of September and beginning of October for Lysistrata. Busy girl.

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