Sunday, September 14, 2008

Let the celebrations begin!

This weekend will be the kick off to a month of celebrations marking the 60th year of wedded bliss between Harry and Winnie Hargreaves. They were married in Weldon, Saskatchewan October 10, 1948. Through thick and thin they stood together and raised a family. We honor them and will do so starting off with two weekends filled with family, food, photos, and fun! September 20th the Dene Hargreaves group in Okotoks, AB. will enjoy their celebrations in style and then September 26-28 in Cedar City, Ut. the John Hargreaves clan will all party it up with seeing Ellesse in a play at SUU and then laying by the hotel pool, beautiful drives up the red rock canyons and plenty of food, laughs and good memories.

Then on the weekend of their 60th Anniversary their Church will be holding a special luncheon/get together in their honor.

Stay tuned for photos of both celebrations!


Dad said...

They very lucky to have a grand daughter like you, who honors her past and the people who have gone before her. Congratulations on being one of a kind Alison

Dad said...

They very lucky to have a grand daughter like you, who honors her past and the people who have gone before her. Congratulations on being one of a kind Alison